About Us
The Expectations Project mobilizes people of faith to demand excellent public schools for children who are Black, Brown, in poverty and otherwise marginalized.
We train faith communities and faith leaders to understand policy and systems around children so that they can thrive.

We support partners and mobilize faith-motivated activists around policy changes that improve the material conditions of Black, Brown and marginalized students and ensures that every child is safe each time they walk into a school.
We rely on three tools for intervention - 1) accurate information through expert research and publications, 2) timely contextualization on local impacts of national events and policies, and 3) local activation through training and resourcing.

We are educators, faith leaders and policy experts who are passionate about building a better, safer, more beautiful and more just world for students to learn and thrive in.
We are dreamers and doers, driven by a strategic and intentional vision to create the world we need.
We are advocates who expect more from ourselves and from all adults to provide for children well. We refuse to accept one school system for affluent, white children and another for everyone else.

At The Expectations Project, we know that our education system is full of students, families, teachers and advocates who are stuck. There are so many obstacles and it can feel quite overwhelming! The bird represents the dove of hope bringing us a key to the land of opportunity. Advocacy is the key.
We can change the systems that don’t honor students. At TEP, we invite people to join us in reaching for hope and change through community partnership and strategic change. We believe we can create the world we want and need.