Punishing black students more often than white students not only betrays our values as people of faith, it’s a reminder that our nation’s painful history of institutional racism continues to undermine the promise of a high-quality public education for all. We can, and must, do better. Addressing the extreme racial disparities in school discipline will require a shift in how …
Explainer – Betsy DeVos and School Discipline
Hope for Students has released an Open Letter to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in response to her comments about school discipline and subsequent efforts by the Trump Administration to roll-back Federal guidelines that currently protect some of our nation’s most vulnerable students from unequal punishment. The open letter has been signed by more than 20,000 people. Here’s what you …
Tell Betsy DeVos That We Need to Be Honest about Institutional Racism
“Punishing black students and white students differently for the same behavior in a way that’s measurable across the entire system is literally the definition of institutional racism.” – Nicole Baker Fulgham The facts are clear. Black students are three times more likely than white students to be expelled or suspended for the exact same behavior. Treating students differently based on …