We can exercise our vote to ensure a better world for one another and for our children. This voter guide is for those who want to use the power of their vote to support candidates whose policies and practices will create the kind of public education where children will not only survive, but thrive.
We can provide free, equitable, creative, robust education environments for every child by voting for -- and holding accountable -- elected officials committed to the well-being of all God’s children.
What elected positions impact schools?
State Legislatures
State legislatures have taken a more direct role in setting standards, requiring assessments, and evaluating teachers and administrators.School Boards
School boards act as the governance team for a school district. They set the district’s vision, adopt policy, structure the district’s budget, and act as a liaison between the district and the community.Governors
Governors are often the driving force behind policy creation and change. They have state-level executive authority, and the power to implement task forces, directives, and legislation relating to education policy.Mayors
A mayor’s influence in the community can help reshape the way all of us approach education policy and initiate change that leads to improved education outcomes. Mayors can facilitate community-wide conversations about education challenges and solutions that empower their districts to pursue effective strategies for reform.President of the United States
The President appoints the Secretary of Education and proposes a budget each year that impacts funding for Title I, child-care and Pre-K, students with disabilities, and the Office of Civil Rights. In addition, they have a large public platform to push policies and values at the state and local levels.Other
There are a number of additional elected positions that profoundly impact children, if not schools directly. For example, juvenile court judges are elected positions in Ohio. How these judges see and value children directly impacts their court rulings.Before you vote.
A few questions to ask yourself before heading to the ballot box!What do the children I love need to thrive? Will this candidate be a help or hindrance to securing those needs?
Does this candidate understand my community and care about its needs? How have they shown this?
Has this candidate named race and racism?
How has this candidate prioritized the needs of children?
How to Spot a Real One
What qualities make a good candidate?
- Knows and spends time with the community they’d represent (for example - principal, coaches, etc.)
- Knowledgeable and comfortable speaking about race
-Invested in practical and impactful outcomes for children
- Obvious care and love for children and families
- Good at - gathering folks, helping people make decisions, strategizing about how to get what you want together, seeing what’s coming, and helping make a shift.
What platforms help children thrive?
- Trauma informed schools
- Universal Pre-K
- Culturally responsive and sustaining education
- Non-punitive discipline practices
- Economic mobility - policies that help families feel stable and secure in neighborhoods.
- Teacher support - policies that ensure teachers are cared for and have the space to meet student needs.
Don’t forget - the most charming candidate isn’t always the best candidate. Over-reliance on charm, encouragement, and good public speaking can sometimes mask weak platforms.
Presidential Candidate Comparison
At TEP, we are deeply invested in child thriving, particularly for Black, Brown, and other marginalized children. While many policies are formed at the state and local level, the federal government plays a wide range of roles in setting a national agenda and supporting public education in this country including but not limited to:- Funding for early childhood programs like Head Start
- Funding for education students with disabilities
- Title I funding for schools serving primarily low-income students
- Administering Pell Grants and student loan programs
- Ensuring equal access to education through the Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
Let's take a look at how each of the major parties' tickets plan to approach education and child thriving as they campaign ahead of the 2024 Presidential election.
The Republican Ticket's Platform
Former President Trump has been clear that he seeks to largely privatize public education. Trump is running on plans to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education, crack down on how schools teach about issues like race and sexuality, reverse a Biden administration rule on the rights of transgender students, and promote “universal school choice” through expansive voucher programs.The Democratic Ticket's Platform
Vice President Harris has roughly sketched out how her presidency would impact child thriving. She has not radically differentiated herself from the Biden administration in this regard. In her words, Harris plans to, “strengthen public education and training as a pathway to the middle class.” She seeks to end student loan debt and make higher education more affordable.Child Care and Early Childhood Education
Increased funding for child care during pandemic and expanded Child Tax CreditChild Care and Early Childhood Education
Increased funding for child care + Head Start during pandemic and proposed universal pre-KDepartment of Education
Vowed to eliminate the Department of EducationDepartment of Education
Supports fully funding the Department of EducationImmigration
Seeks to remove immigrants from public schools, supports mass deportationImmigration
Seeks to protect DACA 'dreamers' and advocates for education for all, regardless of immigration statusLGBTQ+
Seeks to roll-back Title IX protections for LGBTQ+ students, supports 'don't say gay' billsLGBTQ+
Seeks to expand gender-sexuality protections and allow gender-affirming care for studentsStudent Loans
Attacked efforts to forgive student debt and attempted to end Public Service Loan ForgivenessStudent Loans
Increased the maximum Pell Grant and forgave $168B in student loan debt (less than 10%)School Choice / Vouchers
Supports broad school choice and state-run voucher programs. Supported efforts to use public funding for religious schools.School Choice / Vouchers
Has said little about school choice or vouchers. VP nominee Walz opposed vouchers for private schools as governor.School Meals
As president, Trump attempted to roll back Obama-era nutrition guidelinesSchool Meals
Expanded access to free school lunch. Gov. Walz signed a law ensuring meals for all students.School Safety
President Trump and Senator Vance support policies that ‘harden' schools - adding police and arming teachersSchool Safety
The Biden Administration expanded funding for school counselors and mental health professionals.Teachers
Seeks to end tenure, implement merit pay - opposed by teacher unionsTeachers
Vaguely seeks to increase teacher pay and fund support staff - supported by teacher unionsTeaching US History
Accused teachers of stirring anti-white bias, criticized the 1619 project, and called for restoring ‘patriotic education.’Teaching US History
Calls for ‘inclusive instruction’ and pushed back on attempts to remove classroom conversations around race and genderTitle I Funding
Budget proposals sought to slash Title I funding - not passed by CongressTitle I Funding
Budget proposals to significantly increase Title I funding - not passed by CongressBeyond the vote.
A few ways to support the work of your elected officials once election season is over!READ UP - Stay informed on what’s going on in your local community, especially in schools. What are the emerging needs of children in your community? How are your elected officials addressing these issues?
BACK UP - There are lots of ways to support your local community and schools. Find out from the educators, students, and parents in your life practical ways you can back them up as they do their work in the world.
SHOW UP - After showing up on election day, keep showing up at community gatherings - like school board meetings - where important decisions that impact children and your community are made. Make your presence known and your voice heard!
STEP UP - Run for office! There are resources available for non-career politicians to launch a successful campaign. Support the campaign of “a real one” next election season by volunteering in various capacities.
A major threat to children thriving
Harmful legislation is showing up in classrooms across the country, restricting teachers and depriving students. This is one of the many reasons why our vote matters so much! Stay up-to-date on what elected officials and policymakers are doing in each state regarding the anti-truth movement.Anti-truth Legislation by State
We've pulled together a state-by-state sheet so you can stay up-to-date on what elected officials and policymakers are doing in each state regarding the anti-truth movement.Find out exactly what's happening in your state OR keep tabs on state governments in your region and across the country.
Below, check out what's happening in three states where students are at risk from anti-truth legislation.
Additional Resources
Sites and tools to help you educate and activate