
A Call To End Corporal Punishment | Last Week’s Best Articles In Education

A Call To End Corporal Punishment | Last Week's Best Articles In Education

We’re back with Last Week’s Best Articles In Education!

Our team is always seeking the latest news in the field of education. As advocates for a quality education for ALL students, we know we have to stay up-to-date on everything that’s going on in the education spheres of our nation…from the White House to the local public school district, from new legislation to the small acts of bravery and kindness made by a single teacher, from the milestones and celebrations to the hazardous injustices affecting many of our nations students.

Here are the best stories we came across last week…because we believe you should stay up-to-date, too!


Secretary King Tells Governors, School Chiefs Time to End Corporal Punishment for GoodSecretary King Tells Governors, School Chiefs Time to End Corporal Punishment for Good via The 74 Million

“More than 110,000 students were subjected to corporal punishment during the 2013–14 school year, according to the department’s latest Civil Rights Data Collection. The vast majority — 80 percent — were boys, and more than one third were black, even though black children made up only 16 percent of total students. In some states that permitted corporal punishment, students with disabilities were more likely to be paddled or face other physical punishment than children without special needs, said King.”


Harold O. Levy: School Funding for a Knowledge Economy via The 74 Million

“America is spending less on educating our 50 million public school children than we did before the Great Recession, a disturbing new study shows. That means we are shortchanging these children and running the risk of under-educating our next generation. And that spells trouble for our economy and society.”



Military Families Suffer Because Academic Standards Vary by State via The 74 Million

“Increased mobility comes with a unique set of problems. In some instances, the education standards in local communities surrounding military facilities are not consistently high. And standards between states are often not aligned. As a result, the education of military children can suffer, with students disadvantaged by being either ahead of or behind their peers.


Did any of these articles particularly speak to you? We would love to know your thoughts! Let us know in the comments below:

December 9, 2016
Lauren Barnett

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