We’re back with Last Week’s Best Articles In Education!
Our team is always seeking the latest news in the field of education. As advocates for a quality education for ALL students, we know we have to stay up-to-date on everything that’s going on in the education spheres of our nation…from the White House to the local public school district, from new legislation to the small acts of bravery and kindness made by a single teacher, from the milestones and celebrations to the hazardous injustices affecting many of our nations students.
Here are the best stories we came across last week…because we believe you should stay up-to-date, too!
Simple Way to Help Low-Income Students: Make Everyone Take SAT or ACT via The New York Times
The two standard college admission tests — the SAT and the ACT — could be administered universally and free of charge to students. That would reduce the administrative barriers to applying to college, help identify talented disadvantaged children, and increase the likelihood that they will attend a college that matches their skills.
Will Churches Ever Be Allowed to Run Charter Schools? via The Atlantic
Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer invalidated a Missouri rule banning a religious school from participating in a public program, and experts immediately noted it could be used to eliminate legal barriers to private-school voucher programs. The implications for charter schools drew less attention. Some legal scholars believe that the ruling might also pave the way for more charter schools operated by religious groups, including churches.
Do school vouchers ‘work’? As the debate heats up, here’s what research really says via Chalkbeat
The heated national debate about whether families should get public money to send their kids to private schools is full of big questions.
Do vouchers raise test scores or lower them? Do they help or hurt students over the long term? Do they damage public schools or push them to improve? Chalkbeat combed through some of the most rigorous academic studies to get the answers.
One thing to read this weekend…
Alabama schools struggle with teacher diversity via al.com
“It’s essential that we diversify the workforce,” said Dr. Barbara Cooper, Alabama’s chief academic officer, referring to studies demonstrating the positive impact black teachers can have for black students, including reducing the likelihood of being suspended or expelled, possibly due to a better understanding of the lives of black students that non-black teachers might not have.
Did any of these articles particularly speak to you? We would love to know your thoughts! Let us know in the comments below:
God bless and thank you for standing up and letting your voice be heard
This is a great thing. It can be comforting to a student to see someone who resembles themselves in the classroom. In a way a child is being slowly stripped of their identity because there normal is no longer normal because of not being able to relate. A child has to inherit another’s culture while leaving there’s behind just to succeed in the classroom is not ok. We all teach and learn differently so let’s build on it.