Policy Priority Area: Safe, sustainable public schools in healthy communities


This month at TEP, we are focusing on our Policy Priority Areas. We want to emphasize why each area is important in realizing our goal of providing quality education for all of God’s children. This year, our main focus is on prioritizing the joy of Black and Brown children.

Public schools can become spaces where every student thrives. It is only when we tend to the needs of the most harmed and address the ways in which our current system is crushing the most vulnerable students, that every student will be empowered with the tools and resources they need for effective learning and adequate nurture.

Through data-driven research, we’re pushing for three actionable policy priorities that enable us to do the work of making that dream a reality:

  • Affirm Black and Brown identities through curriculum and materials. Inclusive and culturally responsive books and movies in class or in libraries help children feel seen, loved, and valued.
  • Recruit and hire teachers of color. Students feel free to experience joy when they are seen and acknowledged in full.
  • Proactively pursue anti-violence and anti-gun policies. And no, that doesn’t mean more police in schools.

We’d love to hear from you in the comments on what makes for safe, sustainable public schools in healthy communities.

September 5, 2023
Lauren Barnett

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