Statement on COVID-19 and the Urgent Need to Continue Advocating for Our Nation’s Most Vulnerable Students


March 18, 2020

Dear advocates, partners and allies—

With the rapidly developing COVID-19 national public health emergency we wanted to update you on some of the ways this will impact how The Expectations Project conducts its work and on our advocacy focus in these unprecedented and challenging times. 

Though the times are changing, our core mission does not. We remain committed to ensuring all God’s children have access to a high-quality public education regardless of the zip code they live in, the money their family makes, or the color of their skin. 

We support public school closures across the nation as a painful but necessary step to protect the health and safety of our nation’s students, educators, and the broader community. But all of us must remain vigilant in ensuring that these closures do not disproportionately harm our nation’s most vulnerable students and reinforce the stubborn, predictable disparities that have become a feature of America’s public education system. 

This is where The Expectations Project will focus its advocacy for the foreseeable future.

Social-distancing guidelines established by the CDC and state departments of health will inform how we carry out the work. This means that for now, all events, gatherings and one-on-one meetings will be moving online as we carry out this important work together. 

More details to come on how we will be pivoting our national and state advocacy campaigns to reflect this shift in focus, and changes to how we conduct the work. 

Here’s our basic commitment to you. The Expectations Project will continue to serve as the nation’s leading faith-rooted organization focused on advocating for our nation’s most vulnerable students. We still need your vision, voice and values in the arena. And if anything our students need us, and we need each other, now more than ever. 

On behalf of All God’s Children, 

Nicole Baker Fulgham
President, The Expectations Project


March 18, 2020
Lauren Barnett

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