The National Association of Evangelicals Publishes Their Education Equity Resolution

The National Association of Evangelicals Publishes Their Education Equity Resolution

The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is taking a bold stance on Education Equity with their recently published Education Equity Resolution.

The resolution calls on evangelical congregations across America to build relationships with their public schools and find ways to support, advocate and encourage teachers, students and administrators. The resolution also highlights, as we often do, the disparity of quality education by zipcode.

Here are the startling statistics they shared showing the need for more people of faith to stand up for quality and equal education.

“83 percent of Asian American and 78 percent of white students graduate from high school in four years, compared to 57 percent of African American and Latino/Hispanic students

37 percent of African American fourth-graders cannot perform basic math skills, compared to only 10 percent of white students

Students from low-income communities are three grade levels behind their peers in wealthier communities by the time they reach fourth grade.”

As partners in the fight against education inequity, we are proud to stand with the NAE. We believe in a high quality education for all God’s children.

To read more about the NAE resolution and their faith-rooted education equity resolution, head here.

February 28, 2017
Lauren Barnett

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