
How To Fix A Broken School | Top Five TED Talks on Education


“Anybody who’s ever worked with me will tell you I am known for my slogans. So today, I am going to use three that have been paramount in our quest for change.” – Linda Cliatt-Wayman, Principal at Strawberry Mansion School

What does it take to fix a broken school? When expectations for students and teachers have already hit rock bottom, what does hope for students look like?

Listen to one principal tell her story of leading the transformation process at a “low-performing and persistently dangerous” school in Philadelphia, PA.

Exceptional leadership can make all the difference in our nation’s struggling schools. What were the three secrets of principal Linda Cliatt-Wayman’s success? What can you learn from her in your quest to make a difference?


September 21, 2015
Lauren Barnett

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  1. Pingback: Featured Education News September 2016 | Christian Educators International Association

  2. Pingback: Education News – September 5, 2016 | Christian Educators International Association

  3. Inspired by Rita Pierson and Linda Cliatt-Wayman, my slogan is: “There are no excuses for low performing schools!”