Do you remember how you first got connected with Hope for Students?
Maybe you were concerned about the Trump Administration’s education budget. Or maybe you liked one of our videos on social media. Maybe you had a feeling that you ought to help vulnerable kids in your city’s schools.
You might’ve added your name to our Open Letter to Betsy DeVos. We delivered this letter — with 25,000 signatures — to Secretary DeVos’ office and spoke with her about racial disparities in school discipline.
Now we’re asking you to stick with the dream to build better schools for our kids.
With so much news coming out of Washington these days it’s easy to feel discouraged about how we can change our nation for the better. The midterm elections are over and gridlock remains.
At Hope for Students, we believe advocacy at the national level is vital to enacting policies and budgets that move our country closer to a world in which all students have access to a quality public education.
But we also know education policy is often shaped at the local and state level, where small actions can radically change the lives of thousands of students in your communities — and where local churches can change the conversation.
This local change begins with one simple step: Showing up where the decisions are made.
What if you attended your next PTA meeting with a mission? What if you showed up at school board meetings? Better yet, what if your whole church showed up at school board meetings? Maybe you’d even end up running for school board yourself.
This kind of advocacy takes dedication, but it also requires the right tools to keep you informed and invested.
Here at Hope for Students, we want to give you those tools. We want to help you faithfully advocate for ALL of God’s children, because every student deserves a high-quality public education.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll share advocacy toolkits and bible studies to help you engage your church in local education.
If you want to stay informed of what’s happening in education around the country, sign up for our Weekly News Roundup. We’ll sift through national and local education news across the country and bring the best education stories straight to your inbox.
With your help, we can end the tale of two public education systems in the U.S., separate and unequal, where some students thrive while others languish.
With your help, we can offer Hope for Students.