
TEP Remembers Tony Campbell, Our Partner and Friend


The faith community has lost one of our strongest and most dynamic leaders — Rev. Tony Campbell, the Associate General Secretary and Director of Mission Engagement with the Reformed Church in America. Rev. Tony was a kindred spirit with our team at The Expectations Project​. As one of our organization’s key partners, Tony shared our passion to see the church live out its calling as an advocate for the marginalized…the children and families our nation often overlooks. Upon winning a humanitarian award a few years ago, Tony reflected: “I believe God loves us in such a powerful way that it’s impossible not to respond and love your neighbor. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., at the end of my life I want to say I was able to serve and help somebody be successful.”

We are praying for his wife, children, and all of his colleagues and our friends at RCA.

Well done, good and faithful servant. Rest in eternal peace.

July 21, 2017
The Expectations Project

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