
For Immediate Release | February 15, 2022
Contact: Jim Hile – Director of Digital Engagement and Communications

New Campaign Equips Students, Educators, Parents and Community Members with Resources to Fight Back Against White Supremacist “Anti-CRT” Campaigns

Washington, D.C. – Today, The Expectations Project, a D.C.-based nonprofit mobilizing people of faith to demand excellent public schools for children who are Black, Brown, in poverty or otherwise marginalized, joined EduColor, a national anti-racist educators organization mobilizing around issues of educational equity, agency, and justice to launch “Truth Matters for Students” – a campaign designed to educate and empower against the white supremacist, anti-Black campaign against critical race theory.

The Truth Matters for Students campaign will help to dispel the straw man fallacy utilized to misrepresent teaching students the truth about our nation’s fraught history in regards to race and equity while providing communities with the resources they need to support educators who are collapsing under the weight of the ever-evolving restrictions stemming from these racist initiatives and policies. 

“These assaults on critical race theory – a legal theory almost exclusively taught in graduate schools – are political manipulation at its purest. It is our responsibility to our children to create nurturing environments so that they can grow and learn. Teaching the truth about our nation’s history – even when it makes us sad because white supremacy and its continual impact is indeed sad – is a key component of educational work. ” shared Zakiya Jackson, president of The Expectations Project, in a statement adding, “Many of our teachers and support staff are unprotected under the new restrictions as they valiantly fight to provide our children with a robust education. We have a duty to fight back against these cruel campaigns against the truth.”

“While we recognize this is just the latest wave of anti-truth legislation that historically and disproportionately affects justice-focused educators across the nation, we join all students, educators, support staff, parents, and communities in resisting these draconian efforts to suppress our advocacy.” added EduColor Executive Director José Vilson in a statement, “Communities must work together to ensure that our students and educators have the resources and support they need, and mobilize to ensure that we can create the transformative, culturally-sustaining, and justice-centered school system our students deserve.”

The campaign will resource communities to support students and educators, and in partnership with influencers and thought leaders, equip them to respond to these erroneous legislative assaults.


The Expectations Project mobilizes people of faith to act nationally and locally to eliminate education inequity.

EduColor mobilizes advocates nationwide around issues of education equity, agency, and justice.

February 15, 2022
Lauren Barnett

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